Firm Profile
The law office of Genelle Forsberg represents clients in the areas of federal and state
tax law, estates, trusts, wills, probate and related business and real estate law. Based on over 30 years of experience
in tax law, she provides services in a wide range of income, estate and gift
tax matters that fall into two major areas: (1) planning to comply with the tax laws
while securing the benefits of favorable provisions of the law; and (2) handling
controversies with the taxing authorities.
In the income and estate tax planning area, including estate planning, Ms. Forsberg works with her clients
to evaluate their personal goals and financial situation, and implement an appropriate
succession plan. Based on her experience in working with the financial services industry,
she has a broad understanding of financial and tax issues relating to retirement plans,
life insurance, planning for long term care and business succession planning. She takes
a "full service" approach for her clients and not only prepares wills and trust documents,
but also estate, trust and gift tax returns, real estate transfer documents, business
formation documents and related matters as required to implement an estate and financial
plan. She will plan to avoid probate, if practical and advisable, but also handles
probate work.
In the tax controversy area, Ms. Forsberg draws on prior work experience with the U.S.
Treasury Department and in teaching Tax Practice and Procedure in local law schools.
She represents clients, both individuals and entities such as corporations, partnerships and estates, in negotiating and
litigating income, estate and gift tax controversies with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
and the Minnesota Department of Revenue.
She works diligently to attempt to resolve tax disputes quickly and efficiently, using her
familiarity with, and understanding of, the tax administration system. However, she will
not hesitate to litigate her client's cases if fair resolution is not obtained. Her twenty
years of experience litigating tax cases in the Tax Court has given her comprehensive technical expertise
and enabled her to be a zealous advocate for her clients.
1200 Centre Pointe Curve
Suite 125
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
651-209-8926 Fax